B. A. Braxton was born and raised in Bridgeton, New Jersey, and has been writing stories for over fifty years. She has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a doctorate from Fairleigh Dickinson Dental School. She is married and has two children.

B. A. has been known to write mysteries, human interest stories, westerns, and plays: she takes pride in her diversity and appreciates all feedback.

“[B. A. Braxton writes] with the stylistic assurance and professionalism of a writer who has already published extensively.”

Barry N. Malzberg, Editorial Co-Director of the Scott Meredith Literary Agency
February 2000



A Couple of Questions

I’ve got a couple of questions for you: What must a young Black man—one who lives within the confines of an American inner city, surrounded by dilapidation, devastation, joblessness and drugs—do to lift himself out of a hopeless situation and give himself a chance to have a positive, productive future? And how does a respected police lieutenant, Rein Connery—a man so successful, he’s being considered for promotion to police captain—react when he finds out that his eldest son is actively involved in the city’s illegal drug trade?

*     *     *     *     *

As I eluded to above, the basic storyline of the book I am working on is a tale of two brothers who live in a deteriorating, inner city Detroit neighborhood. Both young men wish to pull themselves out of the poverty that they find themselves in and finally begin to live that elusive “American Dream.” And although their mother holds down two jobs, every penny she earns goes toward paying the bills that a family of five acquires, leaving her with little else for incidentals or savings. Her husband, a construction worker, got killed during a traffic stop over a burned out tail light. Although unarmed at the time, he was shot seven times by the officer involved and he died sitting behind the wheel of his vehicle while reaching for the car’s registration in the glove compartment.

In order to help his widowed mother out financially, seventeen-year-old Beauregard, or Boosie as he is called, has become a gang member who helps manage a very lucrative marijuana, crack, heroin, Ecstasy, and fentanyl business. As a trusted lieutenant in the drug trade, Boosie represents the strong arm of punishment for those touts who have fallen out of favor, and for outsiders who have gone against the gang in some way. Even a cross word could be the impetus for retribution. Boosie oversees drug deals and doles out the discipline necessary over product and money shortages. And it’s been rumored that he has injured or even killed people to protect business interests and to restore order.

In stark contrast, Boosie’s younger brother, Malachi, is law-abiding thirteen-year-old who plans to attend college someday. Mal works hard in school, gets top grades and goes above and beyond what his teachers expect of him. As a matter of fact, Mal is on course to finish high school early. While most of the young men in his community rely on a nine millimeter pistol for piece of mind, control and advancement, Mal depends on his skills as a scholar to achieve the same goals. His motto is, “All you need is a functional brain and a current library card.” Instead of agreeing to be a dope and coke runner for Boosie, Mal has instead decided to earn extra money for his mother and the rest of the family by tutoring suburban high schoolers who are taking precalculus courses.

Needless to say, Boosie and Mal find themselves at odds about how to lift their family out of the depths of despair. Under ordinary circumstances, the brothers would probably just offer each other a wide berth and let the other handle his own affairs as he sees fit. But their being at odds with one another is relevant because each of them is vying for the soul of their nine-year-old brother, Nathaniel. So the question that remains is, which of the two will succeed in winning over that coveted prize?

*     *     *     *     *

In this sixth installment in the Rein Connery series, I will reintroduce several characters from previous books. So be on the lookout for Horace Long, (the homeless, Viet Nam veteran from Pigeon Blood) and Paula Connery (Rein’s wife, who was introduced in Cerulean Skies). Who knows, even Tasia (from The Tattered Thread) might make an appearance.

Possible book titles:

(1) Go Easy. Step Light. Stay Free.
(2) Trying to Make It
(3) Getting Money
(4) Serious Scrill
(5) Behind the Eight Ball
(6) Vials, Gel Caps and Glassine Bags
(7) Lock-Blade
(8) Razor Wire
(9) Saving Shorty


“Absolutely riveting. Couldn’t put it down once I started it.”

“Go get your copy and find out. You won’t be disappointed, Pigeon Blood is a great mystery story exploring not only a crime that is committed, but the human condition of how our lives can change in an instant.”

“Pigeon Blood by B.A. Braxton is a well-crafted, well-written crime thriller and one that will keep you on the edge of your seat.”

“I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a good crime story, as this is certainly a very good one. Looking forward to reading the next installment of this series.”


“The depiction of historic Tombstone is stunning. There is no Hollywood style glamorization of the town or its inhabitants. I found this very refreshing from a reader’s standpoint.”

“An interesting slice of life. Well written and tightly dialogued.”

“A very well balanced and honest book. Enjoy!”

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